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Whether you plan to reopen your business or have already reopened and are concerned about the pandemic, it is crucial to take the appropriate steps to protect your employees and customers from the spread of infection. Employees and customers are extremely vulnerable to infections, especially during the winter months and workplaces, where there is a high level of public traffic. Contagious infections, such as coronavirus, the flu, and the common cold, are commonly transmitted from person to person through direct and indirect contact. For instance, viruses can be passed through an infected person’s personal belongings and their workspace. A thoroughly cleaned and disinfected workplace will help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria that may lead to employees calling off for sick days, ultimately affecting production. So, here are four tips to prevent infection in the workplace.
Thorough hand washing is the easiest, yet most important things people can do to prevent the spread of viruses and infection. Encourage your employees to practice suitable hand washing methods by frequently washing their hands with high-quality soap. When washing your hands, you should make sure the soap reaches all areas of the hands, including around the fingernails. It’s recommended that hand washing be done for at least 30 seconds, so an easy trick is to wash hands for as long as it takes to sing either the ABC song or happy birthday. When drying hands, especially in public places, it’s best to use a paper towel.
Even when there is access to handwashing stations, it’s recommended that you also provide access to hand sanitizers, especially in open, public spaces. Consider providing employees with small, personal-sized bottles of hand sanitizer that can be kept in their workspace and install hand sanitizing stations in public areas. The most effective hand sanitizers are alcohol-based, which will provide a barrier to microbes.
Communal areas must be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Businesses, such as healthcare facilities, schools, daycare centers, casinos, and corporations with numerous employees, should be deep cleaned and professionally disinfected at least twice a year to reduce the risk of dirt and contamination that has become hidden and embedded in surfaces. Hiring a company to do routine commercial disinfecting at least twice a year, combined with daily general disinfecting, will help to keep your employees and customers protected from the risk of illness.
I If an employee contracts COVID-19, they must stay away from work for the recommended time of quarantine. This will help prevent the risk of contamination and transmission of the virus among other employees and customers. If possible, offer work from home opportunities for your employees who have become sick or for those who are at a high risk of getting extremely sick should they contract a virus. Keep in mind that the easiest way to reduce the risk of transmission of viruses among employees and customers is through thorough cleaning and routine disinfecting.
One of the most important things you can do as a business owner to help prevent an outbreak of illness and infection in your business is to talk with your office cleaning company. Make sure they are using certified disinfectants, especially in high-traffic areas and areas that are frequently touched. Encourage employees to routinely clean their workspaces, including keyboards, phones, and desks. Along with a cleaning service, it is also important to speak with a company that offers professional disinfecting services, such as fogging and electrostatic spraying. Safe Spray is dedicated to fighting the spread of infectious diseases through our effective disinfection service. We offer both electrostatic and fogging disinfection services. Both of these methods are a cost-effective way to ensure your employees, customers, and other building occupants are protected against illness.
We also offer a no obligation, free onsite service estimate.